Cigar Format: Lancero (7″ x 43)
Smoke Time: 40-60 Minutes
Intensity: Medium Bodied
Quantity: Box of 10 Lanceros
Wrapper and Binder: Ecuador
Filler: Dominican San Vicente and Mexican Negro San Andreas
Taste Cigar Foot: Lemon, Pepper, Leather
Taste Cigar Body: Leather, Roasted Nuts, Oak Wood
Taste Cigar Head: Coffee, Earth, Dried Fruit
The Davidoff Year of the Snake cigar provides a refined smoking experience, with balanced and nuanced flavors that evolve throughout the smoke. It’s a cigar best suited for those who appreciate the craftsmanship and sophistication of Davidoff, as well as the unique theme of the Chinese zodiac. Whether enjoyed on a special occasion or as part of a collection, it’s a cigar that delivers both in flavor and aesthetic appeal. This Limited Edition release makes the perfect Christmas gift for any Cigar Aficionado. Pair with your favorite Scotch!